Sunday, June 12, 2016


Please join me in keeping all those affected by the mass shooting tragedy in Orlando in your thoughts and prayers. More than 50 individuals lost their lives and more than 50 were injured. Now more than ever, we need to stand together in solidarity to honor those that have lost their lives due to a senseless act of violence. We need to come together and through kindness and empathy, bring the community together. This is a time for community to stand against hate and conquer it with love.

May justice and mercy be both experienced and honored as investigations continue and loved ones mourn. Given all those killed and injured, it is very possible that someone you know may be affected by this tragedy. We lift up special prayers for those offering care and ministry in the Orlando area, especially to the LGBT community of Florida.

We offer prayers of thanks to those first responders who run toward what others run from. May they be watched over and blessed. Please remember, they too are humans and will require support during this difficult time.

Let us be present and available to stand with community members who are experiencing grief and shock from these hateful and terrorist acts. May we all seek to be further beacons of light, love, care, and justice in our lives and in the world. For light, community, and love continues to cast out all fear.

Peace and Blessings...